妈妈做晚饭的时间,是两个小朋友自由安排的时间。这天,妹妹在一张小小的纸上写了一个故事。她大声的朗读给我听,听上去很像那么回事。于是抓住机会狠狠地赞扬了她,什么每个人都有自己的天赋啦,什么你看你不笨吧,你都可以写故事了,blah, blah, blah……她洋洋自得地笑了。
No Aaronz allowed
Once upon a time, there was one boy named Aaronz. There were three girls, their name was (were) Tiffany, Caroline and Yangyang. Caroline and Yangyang and Tiffany and Aaronz were playing games. Aaronz aways(always) win the games. So the girls decide to make a girl club, they made a sign too, the sign said “No boys allowed”. Then Aaronz went to the girl club and said “Can I join in?” The girls said, “No, because you aways (always) win our games.” Then Aaronz made a club too. Aaronz invited his best friends over to his club. They made a sign together, the sign said, “No girls allowed.” Then they went home and made some cookies. Then the cookies was done there was the smell of the cookies came to the girl club. The girls said “What was that smell?” Then they followed the smell, they found out that the boy club made some cookies. The girls wanted cookies too. So they asked if they can have some too. The boys said “Yes!” The girls like the cookies so much, they decided to make a card for the boys. The girls sent the letter to them, they were happy about the card, then they became friends again.
The End
8 years ago
妹妹很厉害!她有听过小熊哥哥和小熊妹妹故事里一本“No Girls Allowed"的故事吗?情景很像呢。
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